Time for a change

Rethink your consultancy


Do you want to rethink your consultancy?

Come exploring.

Let’s play.

Let’s try.

Let’s create.

You might’ve been running your consultancy for a while, but it’s just not working for you anymore.

You might be about to start, you have an idea, a thought, but how do you get going.

You definitely want space to think. And play. And try. And create something you feel excited about.

Join the webinar

On this webinar we will explore…

Consultancy Mindset

Being a consultant after being in house takes a bit of work, not on your content or offers but on yourself.

Getting to know yourself

Getting to know yourself, really well, is the key to making a success of your rethink. Your self, your identity, who you think you are can propel you forward, but sometimes hold us back.

Being an expert

Being an expert is not about knowing ‘everything’ and having an answer to ‘everything’. It’s about enabling others to find their answers.

Design thinking

Design your offer so that it works, for you, and your client - and doing the design thinking once. We use design thinking to explore the experience you offer.

Having a POV

Having an interesting, thought provoking point of view makes you an interesting person to follow, engage with, remember. We develop your POV and how you can use it to hep you stand out.

Formulas, frameworks, toolkits

Ok, this might sound a bit boring but this will radically change how you work. We explore how to create formulas, frameworks, toolkits which help your clients, and help you love your work.

The How

How you deliver your experience, content, offer makes a big difference to how much you love your job. We match your goals to how you will deliver it i.e. advising, speaking, training, workshops, online courses…

Exploring the idea

Ideas, ideas, ideas. It’s so good having ideas, no ideas, too many ideas, terrible ideas, but at some stage you have to go to the next stage. When does an idea become a good idea to start working on??

Your marketing self

Are you marketing you, your offer, your brand. What parts of you, your offer, your brand are you dialling up, what platforms, channels, approaches are you using to market and get clients. We create a marketing way that works for you.

Use your values to guide your decisions

Knowing how to use your values in your day to day work can be your go-to thing on the wobble days, the decision days, the needing inspiring days.


What are your foundations? Why are you wanting a rethink. What do you need, what do you want. It’s important to pay attention to setting strong foundations from the start.

Pitchin’ n’bitchin’

How you will pitch your work, to clients, to the media, to friends, family anyone who will listen. And how you will work through ghosting, rejection, nos, nothings - and success!

Who is doing the webinar?

I don’t say this out loud too much but with over 25 years of experience in the corporate space I’ve made all the mistakes, and had some really nice wins!

I’ve been running my consultancy for over 7 years with clients including Channel 4, Reach plc, Harvey Nichols, Anglo American, BAFTA.

I have contracted, been an interim, consulted, trained. I also get booked to run workshops and key note talks. I know how important it is to fit how you deliver with how you want to live. I create content that can be used over and over again without ever getting bored of it. And that I can endlessly research, find out more about, develop my thinking.

My thing right now is developing Recommended - a platform for consultants, trainers and speakers who have something different to say.

In this ever changing world it’s important not to be beige, it’s great to stand out, think differently, help others to rethink work.

I love working with people with energy for going exploring, living a little uncomfortably, trying things, being prepared to get it wrong, and right.

If that’s you. Let’s talk. Let’s work together on your rethink.


By the end of the experience…


You understand yourself, how you will help yourself be successful, how you will make your business work for you.

Your offer

You have an offer / service / product that you are excited about, that you deliver, your way, to fulfill your goals.

Your marketing

You have a marketing approach you enjoy creating, developing, sharing, connecting.

And we end the whole experience with 3 clear actions you are going to take to rethink your consultancy