Work in Progress

A unique experience.

Join me as I road test my new book content and coach you to put the words into action!

I’m looking to gather a group of curious minds who are up for a 3 month experience of living my work and content in my next book.

If you think this could be just what you need, then read on. This is for you if any of this resonates:

  • You way over think things and it holds you back

  • You are tired of putting things off, and now you just want to get on with it

  • You are holding yourself back from doing things you really want to do

  • You are ready to make now the moment you step right up and make things happen

This is a 3 month guided and coached experience where we tackle these areas head on.

My next book is now in draft 1 format, and I’ll will be sharing it’s content and coaching you through the principles.

As we work through the experience I’m also looking for case studies to write about and in some cases may use in the book.

Is this for you?

If you tick one or more of these then you will thrive in this experience

  • A thing you really want to do but have been putting off

  • A feeling of being stuck but unsure why and how to move forward

  • A want to reinvent yourself, but no idea where to start

  • A want to start something new, but not sure where to start

  • Over thinking to the point of holding yourself back

How it works

Each week you get an module to work through which includes an extract from the book, supported by further reading, films and prompts to support your thinking. Minimum time needed is around 30 minutes every week.

We meet on a Tuesday at 7.30pm for a group gathering.

We discuss the theme and what came up for you. Each week you’ll be encouraged to explore an action and notice what shifts for you.

This is part of the book research and development of the content, but will be confidential. At the end of the experience there maybe a request to include a quote, your story, your insights but you will give full permission before being included.

We’ll also have a What’s App group to encourage each other along.

Work In Progress 3 month experience includes:

  • A weekly group gathering (Tuesdays 7pm - 8pm)

  • A weekly content prompt to work through (minimum 30 minutes required)

  • A group Whats App to share thoughts, comments, questions, connection

Starts on 29th June 2021 (Until 21st Sept 21 with 2 breaks included)

Cost to join £600 (inc VAT)

Limited spaces

A few T&CS to consider

  • Please be 100% committed to this experience.

  • This is a group coaching programme, and you’ll be fully supported to make shifts in your life.

  • The fee to join is £600 (inc VAT). This is non refundable after 14 days after payment.

  • You will need to sign a NDA as the work is confidential and subject to copyright.

  • If at any point you feel you need to talk through any of the content you can book in a free 30 minute conversation.

  • If you’d like further coaching support please email