Your Wildest Dream

“Never in my wildest dreams…”

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This is the programme where you finally make it happen.

What if you created time to work on your wildest idea?

Write that book, start that business, do that podcast, start a side project, be on stage, go freelance, change the way you work.

It’s not for me to say what your wildest idea is. But it is for me to say it doesn’t have to be a dream for much longer.

No more ‘one day’, ‘I just need this’, ‘I’ll wait until that’.

You can start to make it happen today.


Make wild ideas really happen

We all have them. Wild ideas. Crazy thoughts. What if you took time to explore them and work on them, and make them happen!

That project you keep putting off. That thing that you keep saying ‘ one day’. Create the time and space to make them happen.

The group programme for wild doers

A group programme focused on daring to do the work to make your wildest idea be a a real thing you do. Be afraid no more.

A mix of group calls and thought provoking workshops, mindset training, mentoring and goal setting.

A safe space to run wild

Your project, your idea is closer to really happening than it might feel. Give yourself permission to explore, create, focus.

You can try things, change your mind, throw around ideas, play, step outside of your comfort zone, all in a safe supported space that means you get it done your way.

Doing Your Wild Thing


Part 1 - Wild Ideas

Free thinking about what is going on for you. You ramble around your Life Dashboard and check-in with where your focus and energy is. You get to know yourself. You play with your ideas and reimagine your future

Part 2 - Wild Goals

You get clear on what you want. You get intentional. You share what is holding you back, and what can help you move forward. You set goals that work for you.

Part 3 - Wild Things

You do the work. You try things. You get the fear. But you get on with it. And ask for help, get the resource you need. You know how to thrive. You know how to move forward.

A 3 month group programme

We have a focus each month, and I’ll share live sessions to help provoke your thinking. But what we’ll mostly be focusing on is your Wild Dreams, and taking action to create it into Wild Goals and Wild Things.

Next programme starts 9 August 2021

The Programme includes

  • A weekly gathering - a group call or a workshop (+ 1 break in the programme)

  • Online self paced learning modules - unlimited access

  • 3 x 60 minute 121s

  • Online Group chat and encouragement

    And Bonus Masterclasses:

  • Starting a business 101

  • Social media 101

  • Tiny Habits 101

Enrol Today

£1800 (£1500 + VAT)

(Or 3 x £624 monthly payments)

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Work with me to make it happen

As a serial ideaist I know how it feels. All these ideas wildly dancing in your head. But what if you grabbed one? And worked on it? And made it happen.

As Elizabeth Gilbert says in Big Magic ‘if you don’t grab your idea when it comes to you, it will happily dance away and find someone who does want it’.

I’ve started 3 businesses, written a best selling book published by Penguin, I get paid to write, to facilitate workshops, to ramble with people who are creating amazing things in the world. It might’ve been a wild dream, but I made it happen.

After 23 years of corporate life, working for brilliant brands like Costa Coffee, RAC, Virgin, Vodafone, I wanted something else, but it didn’t happen overnight. I need space to explore, and support to try things. And it started by taking one step at a time.

We can work on your wild idea, and make it happen too.


Business and Leadership Coach

I help you unravel your thoughts and create big change in your life

A bit more detail

  • The programme is open to anyone who finally wants to get going on creating change in their life

  • Weekly calls are at 6pm -7pm on Tuesdays via Zoom

  • 121s can be booked from date of enrolling up to 31st December 2021

  • There is a 14 day cooling off period so you can cancel at anytime up to 14 days after booking and receive full refund

  • Because of the nature of online courses we can not refund after this period

  • This will be a small group of up to 10 people

  • You can email at any time for support / questions

Time to get on with it.

Your future self will thank you for taking the time.

Weekly experiences that provoke thinking and inspire action

Each week new encouragement, fresh focus, and the intent to make it happen

Each week you get a module in your inbox to help provoke your thinking. We then run either a masterclass or a group coaching call every Tuesday at 6pm to explore the topic further and discuss how our thoughts are evolving.

Each week you commit to an action and work on it, reviewing how you are going each time. In 3 months we cover a lot of ground, and you will get moments of OH! and moments of URGH! It’s all part of the experience.


1.Press Reset

We explore what’s going for you, where you are at right now, and explore what is important to you

2. Getting to Know Yourself

How well do you really know yourself? What are your values, strengths, beliefs? How can you help you.

3.Reimagine Your Future

We go on a journey exploring your past and your present to generate ideas for your future.

4.Reality Testing

We play with your ideas. We test the foundations, what it means to you, how it could work.

5.Your mindset and manifesto

We look at the mindset you need to get this done. We create your manifesto which will guide towards your goals.

6.Do it despite it

Feel the fear they say. We look at what is holding you back and ways that you can help yourself to move forwards.

7.Create your story

You write your next chapter. You create your story, and why you are doing what you do.

8.Create your tribe

You need to the right people around you, you need the power of the crowd. We look at creating a network where you can thrive.

9.Doing your thing

We talk about momentum, what it takes to keep going. What your Keep Going plan is. And we celebrate You right now.

Bonus: Business 101

A bonus masterclass on how to start a business, basic toolkit to get started and a Q&A clinic.

Bonus: Social Media 101

A bonus masterclass on how to create a social media strategy / marketing strategy that works for you

Bonus: Tiny Habits

A bonus masterclass on how to use Tiny Habits to install routines and habits that help you evolve and get things done